Everyday is a good day for machinima. But January 2nd was an exceptional day. It began the day after the New Year in Second Life. The 25 days of machinima. Now as we move toward the end of the month, it is a good time to reflect on how the machinima community likes to celebrate its own in Second Life. So many came out to support MaMachinima Queen Chantal Harvey's screening of Good Day Today, which launched the 25 days. And it was a good day to bring out the troops to view one of her latest projects. Not so long ago, I reviewed Chantal's A Woman's Trial in this column, if you are looking for some background on this amazing woman. Before her screening, Chantal was introduced by her good friend, the very talented machinimatographer Phaylen Fairchild (also recently blogged by yours truly).
So a bit about the film; it features music by the renowned American filmmaker/composer David Lynch and stars Penumbra Carter as Lil Robot. Surreal was one of the adjectives used by viewers to describe the film besides the numerous other accolades, acknowledging an overall superb performance and production.
The machinima was shown in the media house in Mango, followed by a celebratory party with Slim Warrior at the DJ helm.
My complete story will be published in the March 2011 edition of Best of SL Magazine in the Events and Society Pages. I will name names! - those who attended!
I could go and on about machinima, but for now Lowe and I have a book deadline to meet. I am going to have to be sparse until we turn in the manuscript in March to our publisher.
:) Soni
Chantal's website is http://mamachinima.eu.
The Complete BOSL Flickr setGood Day Today, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsfNLZsyLQg
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Forthcoming, Machinima: The Art & Practice (working title, McFarland, 2011) by Sonicity Fitzroy and Lowe Runo. The Professional Machinima Artist Guild graciously provides syndication of Sonicity’s blog Magnum: The Machinima Review to Aview.TV/Sonicity/