Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Happy Rez Day, Lowe Runo

A tribute to Lowe Runo, founder of the Professional Machinima Artist Guild and the Second Life Machinima Artist Guild.

You say it's your rez day.  Whoot!  Whoot!
Saying Happy 5th Rez Day to Lowe Runo, of Lowe Runo Productions LLC.  As you most likely know, Mr. Runo is my book co-author and biz associate in the machinima and media world.

We just learned today from our publisher that our book cover has been completed! That's a nice surprise for Lowe on his special day!

:)  Soni

BTW, here's Lowe's thank you video to all his friends, a reflection of his five years in SL.
Forthcoming, Machinima: The Art & Practice of Virtual Filmmaking (McFarland, Fall 2011) by Sonicity Fitzroy and Lowe Runo (Forward by Persia Bravin). The Professional Machinima Artist Guild graciously provides syndication of Sonicity’s blog Magnum: The Machinima Review to Aview.TV/Sonicity/